Tag Archives: gentleman

So I tried my hand at sewing…


My sister loves Narwhals. Now, granted, I could have stayed within my comfort zone and just make her a Narwhal necklace out of clay or something, but I decided to try my hand at making her a mustachioed, monocle wearing, Narwhal PLUSHIE.

The first time I had ever seen these horned whales depicted, I was watching one of my mother’s favorite movies, The Last Unicorn. I thought they were fascinating, and have since learned that infamous horn is actually an extremely large tooth, much like an elephant tusk.

Anyhow, enough of marine life lessons.

For this plushie, I followed a tutorial and used a pattern I found online, and dressed him up like a little Sir, because, well, my sister just loves mustaches and monocles as well. I had some blue, plush fabric left over from a failed attempt to make a baby blanket for one of my husband’s friends who had just welcomed his first child into the world (I ended up making bow tie onesies and some burp cloths instead. They didn’t mind the blanket being missing, they still seemed very happy).

You can find the tutorial and pattern here on this site called Craftster. I would also recommend visiting her Etsy shop, if you are thinking about adopting a little Narwhal buddy for yourself. She has a lot of other cute and colorful creations, and honestly, I’m thinking about putting an order in for one of those little Corgis, “for my daughter”, of course. 😉

I did a search on Google for mustachioed Narwhals to give me an idea of what I wanted to do, and believe it or not, there are already a lot of cute gentleman Narwhals out there. However, this one here was most like what I had in mind.

It took 4 hours of sewing (did I mention that I don’t know how to sew?) and two days to actually finish with the monocle and all. In the end though, I think my little sister will like it. If not…I might lock myself in my room and cry for a week. No big deal. ;P
Anyhow, say hello to her new whimsical horned whale of the deep blue, yet to be named, of course.